at St Christopher’s. with Randal Klein
Curricular Conversations
at MMA with Dr. Adele Diamond and panelists.
What Children Need Most and Why Executive Functions are Important
at MMA with Dr. Adele Diamond
Montessori Meets Adler
with Carol Scarratt
Beyond Phonetic Reading
at Maria Montessori Academy, with Carol Scaratt
A Self Managing Community For All Children
at Discover Montessori with Patricia Oriti
Autism: A Montessori Approach
at Selkirk Montessori with Michelle Lane
Inclusion and Peace in the Montessori Classroom
with at West-Mont School. with Donna Goertz
The Science Behind the Sensorial Materials
at Trillium Montessori School, with Irma Rodriguez
Sensorial Materials
at Selkirk School, with Irma Rodriguez